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Are you ready to CREATE?



Do you want to understand yourself better?

Examining your horoscope, your Human Design profile or tarot readings can help you delve deeper into your personality and subconscious patterns. If you are interested in personal development, you will find like-minded people here.

Are you looking for guidance?

Perhaps you are facing important life decisions or are looking for answers to deep personal questions. Spiritual practices such as manifesting, using healing stones, astrology, journeys into the Akashic Records or tarot readings could offer you interesting insights and perspectives.

Are you fascinated by the occult?

Perhaps you are drawn to the mysterious and secretive, or you are looking for an exciting new hobby. The world of astrology and tarot is rich in symbolism and history and offers endless possibilities for exploration. Through regular, guided journeys into your Akashic Records as well as journeys into ancient, fascinating cultures and former incarnations, you expand your consciousness to infinity.

Are you looking for community and belonging?

Exchanging ideas with people who share similar interests can be very enriching. In our group you will find a community that shares and understands your fascination with the mysterious. Dealing with your inner self, including the shadow sides, can be a key to deeper self-understanding and personal growth. I offer you a safe space in which you can devote yourself to these aspects of yourself and also exchange ideas with other members.

Would you like to learn spiritual practices such as manifesting?

If you want to learn how to incorporate energetic practices into your life to increase your well-being and personal power, this is the perfect place for you. I will show you how to use the power of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs to create the life you want. Learn practical techniques and strategies to manifest your goals and dreams.



LIV E and to watch in the private Facebook group

Sunday, 6 p.m.: Astro & Tarot preview

Monday & Wednesday, 9am: Training

the units usually last 20 minutes (sometimes 50 minutes)

Do you have a topic that is close to your heart? Feel free to share it!

Get your ticket to a life full of success, happiness and absolute abundance here!





Every month

CREATE ist eine private Facebook-Gruppe, in der du dein Traumleben manifestieren kannst

Valid until canceled

Sonntag, Montag und Mittwoch LIVE & zum Nachschauen

jeden Sonntag Astro- & Tarotvorschau für die Woche

manifestiere deine Themen wie Money, Gesundheit, Familie,..

lerne dich und deine Ziele kennen

Angebote & Rabatte

healing codes


You can cancel your subscription monthly in the members area or by email if you don't like it!

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